Here are some of the things current and previous customers have said about Anna-Maria.

Anna-Maria is the ultimate virtual assistant for our business, providing both professional customer support and monthly management accounts. Her assistance allows us to focus on what we do best – building a great product and marketing it.

Chris Beardsley, Strength & Conditioning Research Ltd

I am a really busy guy, running several businesses and speaking regularly at conferences while simultaneously pursuing academic research. My Hip Thruster business in the US is run almost entirely by Anna-Maria. Knowing that she is on-hand to manage enquiries, track stock, produce monthly management accounts, and provide guidance on working capital gives me the peace of mind I need to concentrate on everything else I do.

Bret Contreras, BC Athletics LLC

Anna-Maria is a rare and valuable asset to our small business, which manufactures in Northern Ireland and exports worldwide. Her careful weekly stock management makes sure that we always know exactly where we stand with working capital. Her attention to technical detail helps ensure we provide overseas customers with the information they need when importing our products.

Matt Palfrey, Hip Thruster Limited

When we were setting up our business, Anna-Maria was essential for doing our company secretarial work – making sure the correct forms were filed with Companies House and the right authorities were notified at HMRC.

Adam Bentley, Exercise For Health Research Reviews Limited

We provide detailed exercise guidance for people who are recovering from various different musculoskeletal injuries. So it is critical that our leaflets are completely free from errors. Having Anna-Maria to proofread our leaflets each time they are updated has helped to ensure that we achieve this goal and maintain a professional quality for our product.

Dr Joseph Lightfoot, Back To Full Fitness Limited

Get in touch now to find out how she can help you.